Overlooked Cause of Child Psychological Issues - Inflammation And Infections

Overlooked Cause of Child Psychological Issues – Inflammation And Infections Wherever the art of Medicine is loved, there is also a love of Humanity. ― Hippocrates Overlooked causes of child behavioural disorders: inflammation, infections and nutritional deficiencies It is difficult to watch your c…

Overlooked causes of child behavioural disorders: inflammation, infections and nutritional deficiencies

It is difficult to watch your child suffer from behavioural issues. Despite taking medication and treatment when they do not get improvement it is really painful. Then parents start asking questions about their parenting and medicine treatment.


Is this the right approach?
Even after following proper protocols why they are not getting their life back.
Actually, there are missing links in diagnosis which are inflammation and
chronic infections.
There is evidence-based data that supports this.
There are many causes of child psychological problems.

Let’ s discuss these causes with evidence-based data and my clinical experience.

What causes child psychological problems?What is the link between child behavioural issues and inflammation?

How can infections be associated with psychiatric disorders?

What is the relation between nutritional deficiencies and mental health issues?
How do you treat child behavioural disorders?
What causes child psychological problems?
The most known causes of psychological issues are stressors, marital conflicts and bad lifestyle .
Apart from this inflammation, chronic infections and poor gut microbiome also
need to be considered.
In my clinical practice, I get good results after working on these root causes
with an investigations-based approach.
What is the link between inflammation and psychiatric disorders?
There is now evidence-based data that inflammation in your system is related to
inflammation in the brain and that can cause various psychological disorders
like depression, anxiety, eating disorders, and ADHD.
In my clinical practice also, I get better results if inflammation is taken care
of with nutrition and lifestyle.
How can infections be associated with Child Psychological Issues?
Chronic infections affect our bodies by increasing inflammation. Inflammation in
our system can cause inflammation in our system that can cause various mental
health issues. For more information check Pandas network website.
What is the relation between nutritional deficiencies and mental health issues?
Chronic gut infections cause impaired digestion and that leads to nutritional
deficiencies. Your happy neurotransmitters dish gets prepared in your gut. If
digestion and nutrition are impaired it affects your brain health.
How do you treat a child’s psychological issues ?
Kids struggling with mental health issues deserve to have the best chance of
recovery, which means considering biological/medical factors in their diagnosis
and treatment.
In my clinical practice, I get good results in patients with evidence of
inflammation, treating biological root causes can make all difference in their
recovery process.
They need a comprehensive approach to reduce inflammation and improve the immune
system for desired results.
This is the Root cause approach to get optimal mental health.

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