Stress, Depression And Nutrition Connections

Stress, Depression and Nutrition Connections If we could give every individual the right amount of nourishment and exercise, not too little and not too much, we would have found the safest way to health. Hippocrates Holistic Approach For Psychological Wellness Do you know that Stress and Nutrition …

Can Stress Impair Digestion/ Gut Health ?

Can Stress Impair Digestion/ Gut Health ? Do you need good nutrition to manage stress ? Stress And Digestion Connection Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food. Hippocrates Stress activates the sympathetic nervous system of our body. It creates a fight and flight response, which can blood…

How Depression Is related to Your Gut Health ?

How Depression Is related to Your Gut Health ? Gut- Brain Axis ; Heal Your Gut To Heal Your Brain. How the gut and brain are related to depression Have you ever experienced indigestion, and along with it, your mood also deteriorates, or when your mood is low for some time, you tend to experience di…

Do we need to improve the gut health and mental health connection?

Do we need to improve the gut health and mental health connection? Habits to improve Gut Health and Mental Health connection Upholding good health can sometimes feel like a delicate balancing act in today’s busy world. We constantly receive advice on things like what to eat, how to work out, and ho…

What Is The Difference Between Psychiatrist And Psychologist ?

What Is The Difference Between a Psychiatrist And a Psychologist? “Restore balance, regain control.” Many people find it difficult to understand, and even though I did not get it at school. A psychiatrist is a medical doctor specialising in treating mental health conditions. They can diagnose and t…

Manage Your Stress And Anxiety With Non-Medicinal Holistic Ways.

Manage Your Stress And Anxiety With Non – Medicinal Approach. How to Overcome Stress ? Prolonged stress can be harmful to both our physical and mental health. And with our fast-paced lives, the stress and its load are increasing day by day and thus, the impact on our health is also multifold. Fortu…

Cognitive behaviour psychotherapy

Cognitive Behaviour Psychotherapy Overcome Overthinking and Anxiety overcome overthinking and anxiety WHAT IS COGNITIVE-BEHAVIOUR THERAPY? Our brain is constantly perceiving, processing, organizing and memorizing information. It allows for these Psychological processes to actively take place, and t…

Importance of Functional Medicine For Health

Importance of Functional Medicine For Health Empowering you to achieve optimal health through personalized, holistic care Introduction to Functional Medicine Functional medicine is important because it addresses the underlying causes of disease, rather than just treating symptoms. This holistic app…

How to Relieve Stress And Anxiety with Meditation

How to Relieve Stress And Anxiety with Meditation . How Meditation Calms Our Nervous System Stress is the body’s natural response to a perceived good or bad environmental change. It can be beneficial in the short term, helping us to adapt to a situation immediately and effectively. Like examination…